Thursday, 26 December 2024 10:25

Public Hearing Notice

Public Hearing Notice

Pursuant to North Carolina General Statutes 160A-31 and 160D-601 the Boonville Town Council will hold a public hearing at the Harvey E. Smith Municipal Building located at 108 N Carolina Ave, Boonville, NC 27011 at 7:00 on January 7, 2025, to hear the comments of all persons on the petition by Derrick Hill for the voluntary annexation of the following described real property: BEING one tract of real property containing 1.7720 acres, more or less, described in that deed recorded in Book 1229, Page 628 of the Yadkin County Registry which is incorporated herein by reference and to which reference is made for a more particular description. Also, to conduct a legislative hearing on the planning board’s proposal to change the town ordinance in regards to accessory buildings from the current zoning criteria, depending on what the property is zoned, to a minimum of 5 feet from all property lines, regardless of zoning criteria.